Corporate Workshops

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Explore, Embrace, Empower Workshop

This strategic customised approach of training is designed using the StrengthsFinders framework to provide in-depth insights into each individual’s unique strengths. Through this journey, participants discover practical tools and techniques they can use to navigate their role in the workplace as they embrace their talents and turn them into strengths. Own your light, be empowered!

Best for Discovery

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Ready, Set, Build Workshop

Using the principles of the Lego Serious Play methodology, participants actively engage in a journey of mind-hand knowledge as they explore ideas through imagination and storytelling. Since everyone builds, everyone speaks and everyone listens, there’s never a dull moment. This workshop leaves participants with compelling insight and inspiration. Best of all, it is highly customisable to suit the needs of the team.

Best for Team Building

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Own Your Light Workshop

For those who can’t choose and want the best of both worlds, this is the workshop for you! The Own Your Light workshop combines both the insightful reflections from StrengthsFinder with the exciting hands-on methodology of Lego Serious Play to bring participants on a journey of self-discovery and culture building. A transformative experience that is bound to have a long lasting impact on individuals and teams as they learn to value each others’ differences and see how they can leverage on it to create a dynamic team.

Best for Culture Building

Unique workshop. Chrystella is an effective and engaging trainer.

— Josemary Calleja, De La Salle University Manila

“Chrystella is a good trainer with fantastic energy. Really passionate about what she is doing. Infectious passion! ”

— Prudential Workshop participant

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