
About Chrystella

I am a passionate educator with more than 10 years of experience. My intense belief that people can be empowered to change their lives inspired me to make the transition to become a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and a Certified Life Coach.

My mission?

To empower others to transform their lives simply by being more of who they are. Nothing excites me as much as seeing that spark in my clients eyes, as they see their light and in turn become the light the world needs. 

Empathy | Strategic | Individualization | Connectedness | Ideation

My TOP 5 StrengthsFinder talents above makes me uniquely able to guide you as you take that step to own your light! Want to know yours? I’m just a conversation away!

Professional Certifications

  • Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach 

  • Certified Lego Serious Play Trainer 

  • Life coach certified with accredited organisation endorsed by the prestigious Institute of Leadership and Management, American Board for NLP, and registered with ANLP

 The OYL Methodology

Own Your Light coaching integrates both StrengthsFinder™ and Lego Serious Play ®TM to unlock powerful discoveries that dive deep into the heart of the issue whilst still keeping things light and easy. In this safe space, you will be able to question the stories you tell yourself and rewrite these narratives if you choose to do so. This fully customisable coaching and training sessions, celebrate becoming more of who you already are.

Own your light. Be a light. Share the light.


What is StrengthsFinder?

The Clifton StrengthsFinder ® 2.0 is a profiling tool used to identify the presence of natural talent in an individual. StrengthsFinder™ is the world’s leading assessment in strengths-based understanding. Few people know or understand who they really are, how unique they are or how to engage this uniqueness in everyday life.

The Gallup Organization developed the StrengthsFinder™ to introduce a new way of looking at oneself – through the lens of strength. The best way to explain this would be using the analogy of a toolbox. We often reach for specific tools instinctively assuming that others would do the same. In fact, despite being faced with the same situation, others opt for a different tool. Why? Because they are more comfortable with it. Ultimately, the realisation that we can accomplish things while using different tools gives us the freedom and leverage to be ourselves.

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What is Lego Serious Play?

Research shows that when working with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY ®TM , enables three-dimensional thinking by creating and constructing metaphors to describe real situations faced. Building models with LEGO bricks and giving them meaning through storytelling and playing-out various possible scenarios helps to deepen understanding and provide insight into issues.

Through this hands-on process, LEGO SERIOUS PLAY ®TM cuts to the core of issues and the result is accelerated understanding and generative learning – the kind of learning that enhances our capacity to create and innovate. In a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY ®TM session, there’s no chance of you sitting on your hands.

This exercise also enables participants to use both sides of their brains — the creative side and the analytical side — because one uses both hands to build.

The truth is, there’s something about going through the building process that has the ability to make the abstract, concrete. It will definitely be an experience that will leave you thinking for days.