Education Training

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Own Your Light

This signature workshop is the perfect way for students to discover their talents and reflect on how they can use them intentionally in different areas of their life. Students walk away with a new understanding of who they are as they take the first step to own their light.

Explore their unique talents and strengths through hands-on discovery. 
Embrace and accept each other’s differences in order to encourage collaboration.
Embody these talents as they take charge of their own learning and reach their goals.

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Shine with M.I.C.E.E. (Leadership)

Incorporating a Strengths-based approach to the Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner, students can discover how they can synthesis both these theories practically and lead with a difference.

TOP 5 talents 


Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, 

Encourage the Heart and Empower Others.


An A.P.P.L.E. a Day

The A.P.P.L.E workshop is designed specifically for educators. Through the discovery of their own personal strengths and how it informs themselves as educators in the classroom, They will gain an understanding of how they can leverage these 5 pillars to make a difference in and out the classroom.

Accept and understand the natural talents they have. 
osition their strengths to maximise impact.
Promote a safe space where different talents can thrive.
Leverage on one another’s strengths in the classroom.
Enrich teaching and learning through mutual collaboration.

“The Lego session conducted by Ms Lala was fun. We got to discover ourselves from what we built.”

— Jessica Phua

“I appreciate that the Ms Lala tried to relate to us on an emotional level. It helped many of us to understand and absorb the practical tips better ”

— Benjamin Seah

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