Personal Coaching



This one-session coaching will reignite shelved dreams and breathe life to new visions when you discover that you already have what it takes to reach them.

Through the exploration of the innate talents within you and learning how you can intentionally apply it to the different facets of your life, this is certainly an eye-opening and affirming experience.

A kickstart to your journey as you discover what sparks a light in you!



This three-session coaching will be just the roadmap you need as you take time to reflect on who you were,  where you are right now and where you want to go.

Before you begin your journey, you will understand and appreciate what makes you tick. A bonus? Break patterns that have held you back.

With this newfound clarity, you will see the endless possibilities ahead of you as you take that step closer towards your desired path. 




This eight-session coaching gives you the guidance and accountability you need as you fully explore your unique talents and embrace the parts of you that you may have hidden.

Unlearning and relearning can be a daunting process but imagine who you can be when you challenge these limiting beliefs and truly own your light.

And with a coach by your side (and on your side), you can do this in a safe space and at your own pace.

Here’s what they have to say…



Life before coaching sessions either felt like a darkened footpath with merely a few flickering lampposts along the path. This made me apprehensive to move forward with confidence. My biggest fear was what if the lights give out entirely? I was overwhelmed with thoughts such as " What if I have nothing to offer after being a Stay-At-Home-Mom for many years? What if I am obsolete?" It is easy to get discouraged or derailed with thoughts of self-doubt, hesitation, and all the "what-ifs".

This is where Chrystella comes in! A trusted, warm, and skilful ally to journey with me. She helped keep me focused on the possibilities rather than improbabilities.

Through coaching, I discovered things about myself that I previously could not or did not see. I realised that both my strengths and weaknesses could all be used towards my goal. It's like having a map of myself which definitely makes life much easier to navigate. I was surprised by the revelations I received about myself. It was a mixed bag of feelings, as confronting the self can be one of the most challenging things we can do!

Chrystella was incredibly supportive, encouraging, and grounded in her approach. I felt safe and reassured with Chrystella. She is skilful in weaving the progress of each session together and showing me a bigger picture, whilst simultaneously honing in on key areas that need more attention and would dovetail our session back to our original goal or purpose.

What changed for me was seeing that I do have far more to offer than I originally thought. Chrystella showed me what my Top 5 talents are and she helped me see how I can leverage those strengths in my life—particularly in the areas of career and relationships. What was invaluable for me was owning my adaptability as a strength, rather than seeing it as a weakness.

 Rather than trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, Chrystella’s coaching can help you discover how to leverage on your very own strengths to get towards your goal.

Priscilla Prado



I’ve heard about StrengthsFinder for the longest time and always wondered what it’s all about. However, I was initially reluctant to look into profiling tests as I didn’t want to be stereotyped or was afraid of being judged by others. But I trusted Chrystella, so it was a very relaxing yet fruitful session.

I never had a chance to acknowledge how I felt about my past experiences and the session shed light and help me understand more about myself and my feelings. Instead of questioning and doubting myself, I learnt to understand the decisions I had made and embraced myself fully and confidently.

You’ll definitely have a fun self-discovery session with Chrystella; a time where you’ll learn how to embrace yourself for being you!

Freda Chua


Mindset shifts

Before receiving coaching, I struggled with public speaking; my fear stemming from a lack of self-confidence. Back then, I accepted it as just something that wasn’t ‘meant for me’. I  chose to hide behind the labels I gave myself. What I now know are that these labels were in fact boxes that I had put myself in, preventing me from accessing my potential as a great public speaker.

During times where I felt discouraged in my public speaking journey, Ms Chrystella was there to patiently listen to my frustrations, assuage my worries and work out the next step forward. She would remind me of the courage I had mustered thus far and point me towards an achievable goal – something that was within my reach.

I am proud to say that the mindset shifts and the specific skills I learnt about public speaking was pivotal to me scoring a distinction in the Trinity Grade 5 communication skills exam, numerous successful presentations, and even guided me during my medical school interviews. Ms Chrystella has certainly helped me achieve my personal targets and goals. I am most grateful for her coaching as it helped me realise the depth of my potential, something that is truly immeasurable.

Ms Chrystella has great experience and expertise often integrating knowledge from her training into her coaching sessions making her sharing easily understandable and digestible. 

Whatever it is that you are seeking to improve or realise, I’m confident that Ms Chrystella will be able to help you work towards your goal, and achieve it all while enjoying the process. She is always enthusiastic and best of all, she coaches with compassion and patience. These, I firmly believe, are what makes a good coach and mentor.

Anna Ng



I first took up a coaching session with Chrystella and it was really eye-opening for me. As such, I decided to engage her for a session with my family of 5. My family and I have all got strong personalities that clash on several occasions. My biggest fear was not being able to have a more than superficial relationship with them. I would try hashing things out but usually things were not effectively put across.

Through the StrengthsFinder and LSP session, we started to understand why other family members behaved the way they do. It was a significant revelation that certain things that irritated us about each other were now seen through different lenses altogether and this created a greater appreciation and understanding between us.

Chrystella was patient, and took great pride in explaining every aspect of the process. She is passionate about her work and her positivity is palpable. I have no doubt she will be able to teach you how to own your light and in my case, honour and value other people’s light as well. It was truly an unforgettable experience.

Sonya Kapoor


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